'One of the worst rape cases': 33 years 2 months' jail for man who molested, raped 4 young daughters
SINGAPORE — A 45-year-old man who repeatedly sexually abused his four daughters, which a judge said was "one of the worst cases" of rape and sexual assault to come before the courts, was jailed 33 years and two months and given 24 strokes of the cane in the High Court on Friday (March 18).
- A man, now 45, committed multiple sexual and violence-related offences against his children and spouse
- He began in 2004 by showing pornography to his oldest daughter, then aged seven
- He then repeatedly abused and raped his other daughters till 2018, when one made a police report
- The Singaporean, who had fathered seven children, also starved them for four days
Source: TODAY