Record 21 4-room HDB resale flats sold for over S$1m in Q1 2023; analysts expect trend to continue
SINGAPORE — A record 21 four-room Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats sold for over S$1 million on the resale market in the first quarter in an upward trend that property experts expect to continue for some time.
- A total of 21 four-room HDB flats crossed the S$1 million mark on the resale market for the first quarter of this year
- This is the highest in recent years and triple the seven such units sold above S$1 million in the first quarter of 2022
- Property analysts expect this trend to continue, with some estimating it will remain so for the next 10 years
- They cited factors such as a lack of supply of bigger flats in popular areas, and private property owners being unable to purchase large resale flats
Source: TODAY